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LangChain: Revolutionizing Language Model Applications

In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT-3.5 have taken center stage. These models are capable of ...

Read More28.07.2024

Should You Use Express with React or NextJS ?

When building modern web applications, developers often face the decision of choosing the right framework and libraries. Two popular choices are using ...

Read More08.06.2024

Web Accessibility - a11y

In today's digital age, ensuring your website is accessible to all users is not just a legal obligation but also a moral imperative. Accessibility goes beyond simply making your ...

Read More27.05.2024

Programming Read All Articles   »

Try-Catch Pollution

In the world of web development, clean and maintainable code is essential for building robust applications. In Express.js, one common issue developers face ...

Read More07.10.2024

Pros and Cons of Different
Types of Database IDs

In the design of a database table, selecting an appropriate identifier (ID) for records is a critical decision that can impact performance, scalability, and ...

Read More09.10.2024

React Best Practices - Part 1

When building performant applications in React, it's crucial to ensure that the operations run in optimal time complexity, particularly O(n), where the ...

Read More11.10.2024

Elk StackRead All Articles   »

What is Elastic Search ?

Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine designed for horizontal scalability, reliability, and real-time search and analysis of large volumes of data. It's built on top of Apache Lucene, a full-text search engine library, and is part of the Elastic Stack ...

Read More02.05.2024

What is Kibana ?

Kibana is an open-source data visualization and exploration platform designed to work with Elasticsearch. It's part of the Elastic Stack (formerly known as the ELK Stack), which also includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Beats. Kibana provides users with powerful ...

Read More03.05.2024

What is Logstash ?

Logstash is an open-source data processing pipeline that ingests, transforms, and enriches data from various sources before sending it to a destination, typically Elasticsearch for indexing and analysis. It's part of the Elastic Stack formerly known as the ...

Read More04.05.2024

System Design and Architecture Read All Articles   »

Microservice Architecture

Microservices architecture is a software design approach where an application is broken down into small, independent, and loosely coupled services, each responsible for specific business functionalities, enabling easier development, deployment, and scalability.

Read More27.11.2023

Load Balancing Algorithms

Load balancing algorithms are essential in distributed computing environments to distribute incoming network traffic or workload across multiple servers or resources. The primary goal is to optimize resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload on any individual resource.

Read More20.11.2023

Databases - SQL vs NoSQL ?

The decision to choose between SQL (Structured Query Language) and NoSQL databases is a critical one in the world of software development and database management. Both types of databases offer unique advantages and are well-suited for ...

Read More06.11.2023

gRPC / tRPC Articles Read All Articles   »

Why gRPC is faster then REST ?

gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) and REST (Representational State Transfer) are two different approaches for designing and implementing APIs, and their relative speed can depend on various factors. In some cases, gRPC can be ...

Read More07.09.2023

What is gRPC ?

gRPC, which stands for "Google Remote Procedure Call," is an open-source framework for enabling efficient communication and data exchange between applications and services. It was developed by Google and is designed to make it easier for ...

Read More11.09.2023

Why should I use gRPC ?

gRPC is a modern, high-performance, and open-source framework for building efficient and robust remote procedure call (RPC) applications. Developed by Google, gRPC offers a wide range of benefits that make it an excellent choice for building microservices architectures...

Read More20.09.2023

Management Articles Read All Articles   »

What makes a great project manager ?

A great project manager possesses a combination of skills, traits, and qualities that enable them to effectively plan, execute, and oversee projects. Here are some key attributes and characteristics that make a great project manager ...

Read More09.09.2023

Project time management ?

Breaking down a complex software development task into atomic units and providing accurate time estimates is a critical step in project planning. Here's a step-by-step process to achieve this:

Read More09.09.2023

How to manage a team ?

Managing an IT team effectively involves a combination of leadership, communication, technical knowledge, and organizational skills. Here are some key principles and tips for managing and collaborating with an IT team ...

Read More07.10.2023

Databases Read All Articles   »

Search items based on tags

When structuring data in MongoDB to facilitate searching items based on tags, there are several design approaches you can take, each with its own benefits and trade-offs. The choice largely depends on your specific requirements, such as query performance, ease of data ...

Read More02.09.2023

Exploring the power of Aggregation in MongoDB

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, MongoDB stands out as a versatile and robust NoSQL database system. Among its many features, MongoDB's aggregation framework is a powerful tool that allows users to harness the true ...

Read More02.09.2023

Best practices / paterns for indexes in Mongo DB

There are several patterns and best practices for using indexes effectively in MongoDB. These patterns are designed to help you optimize query performance while balancing the trade-offs associated with indexes. Here are some common ...

Read More01.09.2023

Fetching and global state management tools in JS

Benefits of using RTK Query part of Redux Toolkit

RTK Query is a powerful data-fetching and state management library built on top of Redux Toolkit. It provides a set of tools and conventions for handling data fetching and caching, which can greatly simplify your application`s data management ...

Read More24.08.2023

Tankstack React Query

In the ever-evolving world of web development, efficiency, and simplicity in managing server state in React applications have always been a challenge. Enter Tanstack React Query, a powerful library designed to solve these challenges by providing...

Read More08.04.2024

Unit Testing Articles

The benefits of unit testing: Ensuring Code and Reliability

In the realm of software development, the process of creating robust and reliable applications is an ongoing endeavor. One of the essential practices that aid developers in achieving this goal is unit ...

Read More18.08.2023

Mastering unit testing with the Arrange-Act-Assert Code design pattern

Unit testing is a vital practice in software development that helps ensure the correctness and robustness of individual units of code. Among the various unit testing methodologies, the Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) pattern has emerged as a ...

Read More17.08.2023

Regression testing and Retesting

Regression testing is performed to ensure that new code changes or modifications to an existing software application do not introduce new defects or negatively impact the existing functionality. It aims to validate that the recent code changes ...

Read More16.08.2023