React Experience
I have over 5+ years of experience with react and have been involved in building various complex projects such as large ecommerce systems, electric car management software web2 and web3 applications based on metamask and solidity, presentation websites, portals and many more. I have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the given technology. Check out my Portfolio
Experience with main packages:
- React
- Nextjs
- Typescript
- TanStack Query
- Redux/Toolkit / Thunks / RTK Query
- Persist
- MobX
- MUI – Material UI Tools
- Jest - Unit Testing
- Cypress - e2e testing
- Bundle Analyzer
- ESLint, Prettier, and Husky (airbnb)
- web3 & Metamask
- Vite
- SWR Data Fetching and caching
- Rollup plugin visualiser
- REACT Native
- Expo
- Saga
- Micro Frontends (services) (Module Federation)
- Webpack, Snowpack(preferred and ESbuild based), ESbuild(GO based), Babel, SWC(RUST based)